Barista- und Kaffeezubehör

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Filterpapier für Kaffee
Hario V60 Size 01 Coffee Paper Filters 40 pcs Box
3,90 €
0,10 € / Stk
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Barista- und Kaffeezubehör
Everything you need for preparing and serving good coffee anywhere you are! Whether you need a water kettle, a milk thermometer, a coffee dripper, a milk pitcher for frothing milk, an espresso tamper, a knock box or perhaps a coffee cup, we have it all and much more! We also have a variety of cleaning products for your coffee equipment; descaling agents, coffee grinder cleaners, milk cleaning liquids as well as cleaning brushes, microfibre cleaning cloths and water filters.
In der Kategorie Barista- und Kaffeezubehör finden Sie Artikel beliebter Marken wie Hario, AeroPress, Inc. und Jura. Die beliebtesten Produkte im Moment sind Hario V60 Size 02 Coffee Paper Filters, 100 pcs und AeroPress Micro-Filters filter papers 350 pcs. Jura 3-Phase Cleaning Tablets 25 pcs jetzt im Angebot für 35,90 € (regulärer Preis 37,90 €).