Kaffeepapierfilter & Permanentfilter

Kaffeepapierfilter & Permanentfilter

When brewing coffee, the paper filter is the most important part. There are many different methods of brewing pour over coffee, and all use different paper filters. That's why we have a broad selection of coffee paper filters in different sizes and shapes. Here you will find filter papers and filters for AeroPress, Chemex, and Hario V60. You can also find permament steel filters for the Aeropress.

In der Kategorie Kaffeepapierfilter & Permanentfilter finden Sie Artikel beliebter Marken wie Hario, AeroPress, Inc. und Crema. Die beliebtesten Produkte im Moment sind Hario V60 Size 02 Coffee Paper Filters, 100 pcs und AeroPress Micro-Filters filter papers 350 pcs.
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