
How to prepare AeroPress coffee
Do you already know how to use your AeroPress? Check out our short guide and learn how to brew coffee with an AeroPress coffee maker.
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AeroPress Coffee Maker + Permanet Metal Filter + Crema House Blend 250 g

AeroPress Go Coffee Maker + Permanent Metal Filter + Crema Brazil 250 g
The AeroPress coffee maker is a coffee press that brews coffee under ideal conditions: proper temperature, total immersion, and rapid filtering. This results in amazingly delicious coffee with a wide range of beautiful flavors but without bitterness and with very low acidity. Since its introduction the AeroPress has become a much beloved brewer for serious coffee lovers and coffee professionals around the world.
Enhance your AeroPress experience with different attachments and add ons. For a slightly different brew, use a permanent steel filter. Other filters and attachments change the pressure for the filtering, giving you total control of your brewing process.
Under the AeroPress category you'll find items from popular brands like AeroPress, Inc., Crema and Fellow. The most popular products right now are AeroPress Micro-Filters filter papers 350 pcs and Permanent Metal Filter for AeroPress.