Would you like to sell your products on Crema?

Are you a manufacturer or wholesaler? Would you like to sell your products on Crema? Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone +358 10 322 44 88.

Crema is a store specialised in coffee, coffee machines and coffee accessories. We also sell products from many other categories related to drinks, food, kitchen etc. Feel free to pitch your products to us!

Crema is a Finnish store operated by PPL Media Oy. Crema has four online stores. Cremashop.eu serves our European as well as our global customers. Since we are based in Finland, we have separate localised shops in the Nordic countries. Crema.fi for Finnish customers, Cremashop.se for Swedish customers and Cremashop.dk for Danish customers. We ship orders to tens of different countries each month. The majority of our sales and growth is coming from outside of our native Finland. If you are interested in selling your product to a larger audience, please contact us!

Contact by Email

[email protected]

Contact our sales by email. If you have any questions regarding an order, please include the order number.

Contact by Phone

+358 10 322 4488

You can also call us. We can help you in english, mon-fri 9 am to 3 pm EET.

Postal Address

Hankasuontie 11 B
00390 Helsinki

Kauppalehti Growth Company 2022
Kauppalehti Achievers 2021-2022
Finnish Online Shop
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