Privacy policy for Crema

Read the whole privacy policy here:

Use of cookies in our Crema online store

We use cookies on this website. Some cookies are used for statistical and marketing purposes, and these are provided by third parties.

We have a tool for choosing which cookies you accept. The tool is displayed when you first visit our shop. Afterwards you can always open the tool by clicking the icon in the lower left corner.

By clicking ‘Accept’ in the tool, you give your consent for all cookie purposes. You can also choose to specify the purposes you consent to by ticking the checkbox and clicking ‘Save settings’.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the small icon at the bottom left corner of the website.

Cookies are small text files that the site sends, and that your browser stores on your computer when you are using a web page. Every time you load a new page, your browser sends the cookies the site have saved back to the site.

Cookies are used to be able to identify the user during the session from one page load to another. For example, the shopping cart in our online store utilises cookies to keep track of the content in the cart.

Cookies are also used for statistical purposes. With the help of statistics, we can improve the page content and structure for our customers to find relevant information easier and to provide a better user experience.

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