Ibili Induction Adapter Plate

Ibili Induction Adapter Plate 24 cm

39,90 € with VAT
Stock status:
In stock
Delivery estimated between Wednesday 12.3. and Thursday 13.3.

Variations (4)

  • Stainless Steel Plate
  • Distributes Heat Evenly
Sales rank In Cookware

The Ibili induction adapter plate will allow you to use all types of pans on your induction cooktop. With this Ibili heat diffuser plate, it will not be necessary to replace your pots!

The stainless steel adapter plate evenly distributes heat so burning, sticking or over boiling is avoided. The plate can be cleaned with a damp cloth, do not soak in water.

(The interface will get hot in use, but the handle is designed to stay cool. To be on the safe side, please use a cloth or oven glove. Never touch the disc itself).

  • Brand Ibili
  • Product number 10429
  • EAN 8411922068474
  • Ø 24 cm
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Customer reviews

Induction Adapter Plate

It is good alternative to buy all new pots, when you suddenly have a induction stove :-)

Onnistunut tilaus

Hyvälaatuinen tuote ja nopea toimitus. Olen tyytyväinen.

Hyvä tuote

No nyt toimii taas perintöpannu induktioliedellä!


Toimii juuri niin luvattiin.

kari 44

Fungerar perfekt värmer upp maten snapp .snabb leverans rekommenderar denna produkt

En udmærket løsning

Vi har købt to adapter plader, og bruger dem jævnligt. De fungerer ok. I længden er det måske lidt bøvlet, hvis man laver meget mad, men det fungerer for os.

Ibili Induction Adapter Plate 24 cm

Super hurtigt ekspedition, og jeg er meget tilfreds med produktet. Nu kan jeg bruge min gamle Look pande, som ikke er til induktions, igen.

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