de Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying pan
de Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying Pan 32 cm
- Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying pan
- The elegant handle is made of stainless steel
- The Pro-series pan has an oven-proof handle
- Coated with natural beeswax
de Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel pan is similar to Mineral B Pan, except this version has a handle made of stainless steel.
Mineral B is a heavy-duty carbon-steel frying pan coated with natural beeswax for quicker seasoning. The beeswax helps to avoid rust and eases the first use. A seasoned pan has natural non-stick properties and becomes better the more it is used. The carbon-steel pan will last forever and is indestructible. The pan heats up quickly and becomes hot enough to brown the surface. The lyonnaise skirt - the traditional French rounded shape of the pan - makes it easy to toss food, turn an omelette in the air for example, and slide it onto a plate. The pan has a riveted, unbreakable iron handle. It's thickness is 2,5-3mm.
The first use:
Handwash the pan with hot water. Dry the pan afterwards and apply about 1mm layer of cooking oil or duck fat. Heat the pan in your stove until the fat begins to warm up. Let the fat melt and then dry the extra fat with a paper towel. The more you use the pan, the better it becomes. The pan will get darker in use and it will get natural non-stick properties.
Heat the pan in your stove until the fat begins to warm up. Add the food. Lower the temperature gradually as you are getting ready with the frying.
- To clean, rinse with warm water, dry and oil lightly. Store in a dry place. Do not use detergents or put in the dishwasher. All cook tops including induction.
- If the pan should loose its non-stick properties you can clean a warm pan with a spoonful of salt and re-season it; if the base should become deformed from a sudden temperature chock it is easily made flat with one hammer blow.
- If the pan is left in a damp place and starts rusting it can be cleaned with steel wool and even sandpaper.
Carbon-steel is a quite soft metal, so even a brand new pan kan have some scratches. They don't affect the pan's function and after the first use (see above) you won't notice them any more. Do not soak the pan for a long time. Food or other stains can be cleaned with steel wool and dishwashing liquid. Oil the pan afterwards. All cook tops including induction.
- Brand de Buyer
- Product number 2430
- EAN 3011245680329
- Diameter: 32 cm
- Bottom: 25,5 cm
- Height: 4,2 cm
- Handle: stainless steel
- Fitted with help handle
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Customer reviews
deBuyer fry pans
I was skeptical at first ordering fro this fa away from the US. Shipping/logistics were good. Crema got it out the door quickly. Pans showed up perfectly. Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying Pan 32 cm
Great service. Fast shipping. Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying Pan 24 cm
Great service. Fast shipping. Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying Pan 28 cm
Great service. Fast shipping.
B.M.Non Pareil cookware
I was totally blown away by how good these skillets are. I did not know what I was missing out on. Now I cannot sing the company's praises enough. I am sure these will make me a better cook
M.H.Non Pareil cookware
I was totally blown away by how good these skillets are. I did not know what I was missing out on. Now I cannot sing the company's praises enough. I am convinced these skillets will make me a better cook
Great frying pan, fantastic Buyer Mineral B Element Pro Carbon Steel Frying Pan 24 cm
Tuote vastasi odotuksiani.
Oli hyvin pakattu. Kiitos teille!
Valmistaja voisi hioa pannun erittäin terävät reunat. Hioin ne itse jotta ei tulisi
Kossu pakkaseen ja kilo voita pannuun :D
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Man ska ha klart för sig att just den här 32cm modellen är riktigt stor, jag behöver den storleken ibland men den går tex inte in i en standard 60cm ugn och den är rätt tung att hantera. Jag köpte faktiskt även till 28cm modellen som är betydligt mer lätthanterlig. 28cm passar nog bättre för de flestas vardagsbehov.