Wilfa Svart Performance WSPL-3B Coffee Maker, Black

259,00 € com IVA Frete grátis para este produto! (Finlândia)
Status do estoque:
Em estoque
Entrega estimada entre sexta-feira 14.3. e segunda-feira 17.3.
  • Temperatura de infusão 92° - 94°
  • Tempo de infusão 4-6 min.
  • Tanque de água removível
  • Infusão de uma xícara
  • Paragem de gotejamento manual
  • Função de desligamento automático
  • Função de manutenção de calor
  • Programa de limpeza
Classificação de vendas Em Cafeteiras

Por favor, note: Este produto possui um plug elétrico estilo europeu e usa energia AC 230V.

Tipo de plug: 2-PINOS, CEE 7/7, Tipo E (Schuko) / Tipo F compatível, ou Europlug.

Use um adaptador separado se você precisar conectar o dispositivo em outro tipo de tomada. Alterar o plug anulará qualquer garantia.

Wilfa Svart Performance WSPL-3B não é apenas uma nova cafeteira - é a cafeteira projetada na Noruega, em colaboração com o campeão mundial de baristas Tim Wendelboe.

Temperatura perfeita

Temperatura perfeita durante todo o processo. Existem vários fatores de sucesso necessários para fazer o café perfeito, e a temperatura certa é um deles. Ao contrário da maioria das outras cafeteiras, a Wilfa Svart Performance mantém entre 92 e 96 graus desde a primeira até a última gota.

Tecnologia única

A bomba esvazia completamente o tanque de água durante cada ciclo de preparo do café, garantindo que sempre haverá água fresca e limpa ao preparar o café.

Tanque de água removível - sempre água limpa

O tanque de água da cafeteira é removível. Isso facilita para você reabastecer a água fresca quando for fazer café, enquanto a água sempre estará limpa. No tanque de água há um indicador de medição, onde está marcado a quantidade de água necessária em relação aos gramas de café.

Controle de fluxo (Drip - stop)

Com o controle de fluxo ajustável, você escolhe a quantidade de café que deseja fazer - o café será perfeito, não importa a quantidade. O porta-filtro da cafeteira possui uma abertura ajustável na parte inferior, um chamado controle de fluxo. O controle de fluxo permite que você controle a velocidade da água e, portanto, a extração do café, para que você possa fazer o mesmo bom café todas as vezes, seja uma ou dez xícaras.

  • Marca Wilfa
  • Número do produto 4744
  • EAN 7044876022639
  • Cor: Preto
  • Modelo: 602263
  • Capacidade 1,25 l (10 copos)
  • Altura: 34,5 cm
  • Largura: 34 cm
  • Profundidade: 17 cm
  • Peso: 3,59 kg
  • Potência: 1800 W
  • Alimentação: 230 - 240 V ~50 Hz
  • Tomada europeia de dois pinos (Schuko)
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Kova ääni

Todella hyvät kahvit toki, mutta ääni on kova verrattuna vanhaan Wilfaamme. Kovat alkupäräykset ja pumpun melko voimakas ääni. Näin ainakin aamulla keittäessä, kun muut vielä nukkuvat.

Kaunis ja toimiva!

Otsikko kertookin, mutta siis toimivaa muotoilua!

Wilfa Performance

Hyää kahvia tulee tällä keittimellä. Muutaman kierroksen otti oppia toimimaan oikein käsikäyttöisen tippalukon kanssa.
Aivan täysin varma tippalukko ei ole. Mutta hyvä laite kuitenkin.

Hyvää kahvia

Keittimellä tulee hyvää kahvia kun määrät ja suodattimen uuttoaika oikein.

Yksi tähti pois siksi, että tippalukko ei toimi lainkaan ja kahvikannun / säiliön mitta-asteikko ei tunnu olevan kohdallaan ? Kannuun ei tunnu päätyvän sama nestemäärä kuin mitä säiliöön on laitettu.

Wilma Performance wspl-3B

Keitin keittää mainiot kahvit,maku kohdallaan ja lämpötila juuri oikea.Design miellyttää,ei ylimääräistä tingeltangeiia.
Suurin miinus on suodatinsuppilon säätömekanismissa,keittiössäni 0,5l kahvia tai alle säätö ei toimi,vaan kaikki kahvi jää seisomaan pitkäksi aikaa suppiloon,keitintä pitää välillä vahtia ja heruttaa isommalla asetuksella,esim.0,75l jotta kahvi valuisi pannuun asti.


Loistavasti muotoiltu tuote. Ilo katsella, ja keittää todellakin hyvää kahvia. Alkuun pihahtaa vähän äänekkäämmin, mutta on edeltäjiään hiljaisempi. Aluksi luultiin tuotetta vialliseksi; vaikuttaa siltä, että kun laitteeseen kytkee napista virrat päälle, täytyy odottaa hetki ennen kuin painaa käynnistysnappia, jotta jotain alkaa tapahtua.

Beautiful design, Excellent coffee

What a bliss! The machine is simply beautiful. It decorates my kitchen. Brewing is spotless. I am a barista and I know my coffee. This device gives you exceptional brew.

Was sent a faulty machine

Was sent a faulty coffee machine. When turned on, the machine makes noise but does not start.
Was told before shipping that you do not offer warranty outside EU and all I asked for was to be sent a working machine in one piece. You failed at pre-shipping inspection and that’s the problem.


Hello! Could you please contact our customer service so we can help you out with this issue. The machine might have an air lock which should be quite easy to fix by yourself.

Wilfa Svart Performance WSPL-3B Coffee Maker, Black

+ minimalistic design
+ very simple to use
+ detachable water tank
+ almost no rest water in the water tank after use
+ start time of brewing is short
- no settings (blooming, temperature)

Perfect for us

We were looking for a replacement for the Wilfa Precision WSP-1B that cracked after some years. The usual brewers seemed cheap in comparison and we wanted a minimalistic, easy to clean body. This new generation is a much better and more compact machine than before, we are very satisfied.
+ Design by looks and material including the glass pot and the fact the pot does not drop
+ Much warmer coffee than the brewers we can compare with
+ Excellent coffee taste
+ Quick brewing
+ Well made detachable water tank and nice filter holder fitting
+ No frills that we do not need anyway (display, anticalc program, start brewing when powered on for smart home usage)
+ Better price than its predecessors.
- The touch button looks nice, but we preferred the old physical button.
- Turning into drop stop does not hold the coffee anymore. It did at the first day, though.
- Downside of fast brewing is high power consumption. 1800W I think, not sure how much is used for keeping the plate warm then.
- No local dealers here in Germany in case we need replacements.
- Still after some weeks I sense a smell like isolation parts from the heating parts. Hope that vanishes with time.

Great product but with a minor issue

Received my Wilfa Performance very quickly and with adequate packaging. Crema knows what they're doing to avoid shipping damage.

However when I wanted to use the machine for the first time there was an initial start of the pump which then shut off... No water going through the machine. Tried it three times and nothing... Logical thoughts are to come to the conclusion that I received a faulty machine. However since the hotplate worked and the pump kicked in but cut off after three seconds or so it seemed more likely that it was clogged somehow. Luckily I remembered that I had a simular issue with my Magimix nespresso machine in the past due to an air block in the pump. Which was cleared by tapping the bottom of the machine and removing and forcing the half filled water tank back again in order to clear the block (the weight and moisture on the water inlet seem to help). Did the same thing with the Wilfa and after a couple of times the machine sputtered to life while clearing a LOT of air. So prospective buyers this is something you can solve yourself and has probably to do with how long the machine sits in storage. Or perhaps Crema can check the machine beforehand... Could save them a lot on unnecessary refunds.

Proceeded with running two loads of the tank to rinse the machine before first real use. Grinded some coffee, filled the tank and brewed the first batch with a permanent gold filter. And I still need to dial in a bit but first impressions brewing wise are very positive for a first try.

Great product, great service from Crema WebShop

I am very happy with the communication and responsiveness of the Crema webshop, my coffee maker developed a defect after a week of use. Crema quickly contacted the manufacturer and a replacement unit was shipped while the return of the defective machine was processed seamlessly. Very happy with the experience and also very happy with the Wilfa Svart Performance. I bought it as an upgrade of my previous Wilfa Precision WSP-1A which I used for 3 years without a single fault. Compared to the Precision the Performance coffee maker is significantly quieter and a lot quicker justifying it's name. In the beginning of the brewing cycle there's a bit of a steam cloud with some louder water pump noise for like 3-5 seconds and after that they brewing cycle continues with a low humming noise of the pump working to swiftly send the water to the funnel. Very happy with the product overall, it is more compact than the Precision and the funnel lid has a really tight almost seamless fit with the funnel, much better than the Precision. 5 stars for Crema and Wilfa.

Great product, great service from Crema WebShop

I am very happy with the communication and responsiveness of the Crema webshop, my coffee maker developed a defect after a week of use. Crema quickly contacted the manufacturer and a replacement unit was shipped while the return of the defective machine was processed seamlessly. Very happy with the experience and also very happy with the Wilfa Svart Performance. I bought it as an upgrade of my previous Wilfa Precision WSP-1A which I used for 3 years without a single fault. Compared to the Precision the Performance coffee maker is significantly quieter and a lot quicker justifying it's name. In the beginning of the brewing cycle there's a bit of a steam cloud with some louder water pump noise for like 3-5 seconds and after that they brewing cycle continues with a low humming noise of the pump working to swiftly send the water to the funnel. Very happy with the product overall, it is more compact than the Precision and the funnel lid has a really tight almost seamless fit with the funnel, much better than the Precision. 5 stars for Crema and Wilfa.

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