1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
- Apto para Espresso
- Manivela plegable
- Ajuste externo numérico, ajuste preciso de 8 micrones por clic
- Muela cónica revestida de 48 mm
- Vaso de captura magnética
Disfruta de la máxima experiencia de espresso con el Molinillo de Café Manual 1Zpresso J-Ultra, donde la precisión se encuentra con la perfección. El molinillo J-Ultra ofrece el ajuste más preciso entre todos los modelos de 1Zpresso. Experimenta una precisión inigualable para tu espresso perfecto.
Más Preciso
Con su distintivo mecanismo de ajuste externo, el J-Ultra ofrece un sorprendentemente preciso ajuste de 8 micrones con cada clic, estableciendo un estándar revolucionario para la precisión de molienda dentro de la gama de molinillos 1Zpresso.
Muelas para Espresso
Las muelas del J-Ultra están expertamente diseñadas para espresso, logrando el perfecto equilibrio en la distribución de molienda. Con un rápido diseño de 48 mm y un recubrimiento avanzado, no sólo muelen rápidamente, sino que también hacen el proceso excepcionalmente suave.
Nuevo Diseño
El molinillo de café manual J-Ultra muestra un elegante cuerpo redondeado con bordes suavemente curvados, asegurando un agarre cómodo y ergonómico. Su diseño bien considerado garantiza un proceso de molienda preciso y fácil, poniendo tu máxima comodidad en primer plano.
- Marca 1Zpresso
- Número de producto 12264
Gris Hierro
Peso: 670 g
Dimensiones: Cuerpo: 180 x 56 mm / Longitud del mango: 140 mm
Capacidad de molienda: 35~40 g
Materiales: Cuerpo: Aleación de aluminio con acento de policarbonato, fresas: Acero inoxidable recubierto de titanio (304)
Contenido del paquete:
- 1Zpresso J-Ultra Molinillo de café manual, cepillo de limpieza, soplador de limpieza, estuche de transporte 1Zpresso
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G.K.Täydellinen mylly espressolle hintaluokassaan
Tämä mylly yllätti. Se on laadukas, hyvin valmistettu, mukava käyttää ja jauhatustulos on yllättävän hyvä parin sadan euron myllylle.
Tykkään todella paljon tarkasta säädöstä ja ulkopuolella olevasta numeroidusta säätörullasta. Ei enää naksujen laskemista päässä.
Erinomainen espressomylly.
Hankin tämän sähkömyllyn kaveriksi, mutta ainakin toistaiseksi käynyt niin, että sähkömyllyä en ole käynnistynyt kertaakaan tämän saatuani. Säätövaraa löytyy, ja koska numeroidut tarkat asetukset, niin esim. mokapot jauhatuksen jälkeen helppo palauttaa taas espressoasetuksille. Teknisesti hämmästyttävän laadukas vekotin.
Todella hyvää espresso kahviimylly. Rakennettu kestamaan. Valeat paahdot vaati voimaa.
A.K.Rajattomat säätömahdollisuudet
Tällä onnistuu myös erittäin hienojakoiset karkeudet ja karkeusastetta voi säätää käytännössä loputtomiin, sillä vaihtoehtoja riittää. Osta tämä jos et ole aiemmilla myllyilläsi saanut riittävän hienojakoista jauhatusta. Kahvimylly on pakattu säilytyslaukkuun, jonka mukana tulee muutama puhdistusväline, joten ei tarvitse erikseen ostaa puhdistusharjaa. Kahvikoneeni on Rancilio Silvia.
H.H.1Zpresso J-Ultra till espresso?
1Zpresso J-Ultra är ett stabilt bygge. Använder den till att mala kaffe för espresso och moka. Det malda kaffet är homogent. Tog lite tid att komma underfund med kaffets kornstorlek kopplat till kvarnens skala. Trots den fina malningsgraden så är kvarnen lätt att "veva".
Känns väldigt stabil och välgjord. Lätt att använda och göra rent. Rekommenderas.
J.L.1Zpresso J-Ultra
Riktigt trevlig handkvarn som överraskat positivt på många sätt.
Mycket mer lättvevad än jag hade hoppats på.
Mycket snabbare än jag hade trott.
Mycket jämnare resultat än jag hade hoppats på.
Jag har bara testat kvarnen för att göra espresso i hemmamiljö, dvs. några få espresso om dagen. Mina tidigare kvarnar har varit elektriska kvarnar som både varit ganska billiga och som varit stora dyra proffskvarnar. Förutom dessa har jag bara testat någon hario handkvarn tidigare som verkligen inte funkat för espresso (för grovmalet, för tungvevat och hackigt och för långsam). Jag tror mängden gammalt malet kaffe som ligger kvar alla mina elektriska kvarnar gör att jag får så mycket bättre och jämnare resultat med J-Ultra där nära på noll gram gammalt malet kaffe ligger kvar.
Supernöjd med denna kvarn som levererar långt över vad jag hade hoppats på. Bästa kvarnen jag haft under de ca 15 år jag hållit på med espresso hemma!
Nöjd kund
Super bra produkt till rimlig pris och snabb leverans.
A.BelHögsta tänkbara kvalitet!
Mycket nöjd med kvarnen och tillbehören.
J.G.1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
Perfect espresso from the first try.My settings are 1.4.2
A.A.1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
J.N.A great grinder for espresso
I have has the J-Ultra for a week now and I am very happy with it. I calibrated it, and got it as close to 0 as possible (3 clicks off, but I just couldn't get it to be exactly 0). Make sure you do the calibration once you receive it, there are several videos out there that explain how to do it. The results of the grinds are very good and the quality of the grinder is also very good. Overall very happy with my purchase so far!
M.D.1Zpresso J-Ultra
I'm very satisfied with product quality and delivery time.
D.Č.Great manual grinder
Perfect for espresso.
A.H.strong perfection
If you are looking for a speedy and durable hand grinder for your lever espresso machines (Cafelat Robot & Flair), this is the final match. Quick, strong & reliable, giving perfect particle size distribution. But: forget it for filter coffe... (for V60, Orea, Kalita, etc. buy a ZP6 or Comandante instead!)
Z.T.1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
Fantastic hand grinder with a premium build, truly all you will ever need. On par with much more expensive electric grinders, I'm pulling shots which could rival the Niche or DF64.
D.L.Lovely grinder
Build quality is great, love the fit and finish. The grinder is just a joy to use and the coffee it makes is wonderful.
E.W.Excellent espresso grinder
This is my first proper hand grinder for espresso. I was looking for well-built grinder that would be a good alternative to my Baratza Sette 270Wi – excellent grinder but very loud – a definite no no in the same house hold as our new born boy.
This grinder is excellent companion for espresso lovers seeking grinder that can handle very small adjustments in grind settings with easy setting change and repeatability.
I found grind setting to be accurate and consistent even when moving from one coffee type to another and back allowing me to switch between brew methods or coffee types easily without the need to dial the shot again.
The build quality and look&feel is very good and I found no issues with the grinder function or form.
While grinding darker roasts is fairly easy the lighter roasts might be a bit of a workout for some. The narrower section is easy to grip even with my smaller hands and it doesn’t slip when grinding rendering the included rubber band unnecessary (at least for me).
The calibration and setting the zero position is easy and grinding is fast. The feeding of coffee beans into the conical burrs is good with no need to shake the grinder to grind the last coffee bean like it is the case with some other cheaper hand grinders I used in the past. The magnetic catch cup fits inside 58mm basket allowing for tidy shot preparation.
I am making mostly single espresso shots that require high consistency and this grinder fits my bill perfectly – therefore it is highly recommended.
1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
Very nice grinder. Fast and precise. Best mate with flair pro 2.
R.H.Built like a tank
I can only say I'm impressed witht he build quality and performance of this grinder. I was reluctant to give 200€ for a hand grinder but I can say it justified the price.
M.Š.Perfect hand grinder
Great hand grinder for espresso, although that going below the espresso range for this model (100-170) makes it a bit difficult to grind.
K.V.Great grinder
Great premium feeling grinder,
it's simply gorgeous, highly recommended, perfect espresso
M.M.1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
Probably the best hand grinder for espresso
B.E.1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable Molinillo de Café, gris hierro
The product is excellent and I recommend it to everyone. I use it for espresso. Thanks to cremashop for the fast delivery, 5 working days from Finland to Croatia. I wish everyone well
V.Z.Top piece of engineering
This thing is superbly designed and built like a tank. I bought it as a present for my son, and was seriously impressed when I saw it after he opened it on Christmas day. It has a huge range of grind settings, the handle folds out to a length that gives good leverage for grinding with a great rubber grip on the body, and the use of magnets to hold the hopper is inspired.
D.C.J-Ultra - better shaped and lighter J-Max.
I've switched from J-Max S, which I bought recently and also sold a few weeks later just because I didn't know that J-Ultra was released. But good thing that occured from that buy/sell play is that now I can compare one to the other.
J-Max is heavier and thicker which makes it a little bit inconvenient for grinding. J-Ultra is perfect. Grinding force is comparable. 100 ticks per revolution in Ultra is more intuitive than 90 ticks in Max.
I got Flair 58 and coupled with Ultra makes them perfect pair. I make my espresso roughly on 100th tick (one full revolution from zero point) - there is no way you'd run out of scale for espresso grinding and clicks are so small that you may want to skip 2 or 3 clicks not to be overwhelmed by so many possibilities; but once you are accustomed to it, you may want to dial in totally perfectly (by one click), it's up to you xD
I absolutely love this grinder.
Bon moulin
Le moulin est précis et facile d'utilisation grâce à son réglage par le haut (bague). La qualité de fabrication semble être au rendez-vous. Je recommande ce moulin pour toutes les personnes recherchant un moulin manuel adapté à la réalisation d'espressos.
Dejligt produkt. Virker efter hensigten. Blot grind-kvalitet til prisen.
M.S.Bedste all around kværn på marked
Super god kværn med nem og hurtig indstillingsmuligheder, flot design og lækre materialer.
J.L.1Zpresso J-Ultra Foldable kaffekværn
Perfekt !
P. Nielsen