Urnex Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner for Coffee Machines, 1100 ml

20,90 € with VAT
19,00 € / l

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  • 19,90 € pc 20,90 €
    18,09 € / l
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20+ pcs
Delivery estimated between Wednesday 12.3. and Thursday 13.3.
Sales rank In Milk Cleaning Agents

Urnex RInza is a cleaning fluid for cleaning milk frothers and other parts of a coffee machine that come in contact with milk. The Urnex Rinza effectively breaks down milk protein, fat and calcium build-up. The Rinza cleaning fluid can be used in cleaning programs of fully automatic coffee machines. The Urnex milk cleaning fluid can also be used for cleaning steam wands and milk pitchers.

For use on Automatic Milk Frothers

  • To fill dosing chamber on the bottle, loosen cap and squeeze the bottle. Mix a solution of 15-30 ml Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner per 500 ml cold water.
  • Insert suction tube into solution.
  • Run entire solution through frother either with the cleaning program of the machine or manually.
  • Repeat above with clean cold water to thoroughly rinse all components.

For use on Steam Wands and milk pitchers

  • Mix 30 ml Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner with 500 ml warm water.
  • Soak parts or steam wand for 15-30 minutes.
  • Rinse all components.
  • Brand Urnex
  • Product number 3549
  • Size: 1100 ml
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Kahvikone Miele CM5300. Maidonvaahdotin alkoi tukkeutua. Harjalla suuttimen putsaus ja sitten puhdistusohjelma Rinza puhdistusaineen kanssa. Lopputulos moitteeton.
Netistä huomasin, että Rinza neste voi olla joko hapanta tai emäksistä. Ostotilanteessa en osannut kiinnittää tähän huomiota. Tilaamani tuote oli emäksinen, joka onkin juuri oikea tähän tapaukseen. Ilmeisesti hapankin kävisi. Tuotesivulla liuoksen koostumus voisi olla paremmin esillä.

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