Kinu M47 Classic Coffee Grinder

349,00 € with VAT
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In stock
Delivery estimated between Wednesday 2.4. and Thursday 3.4.
  • High-end, stainless-steel single dose manual coffee grinder
  • Unique Morse cone principle full metal construction, resulting in the auto-centering of the burrs
  • Thumb stopper for easy handling
  • Micrometrical, step-less reproductible and easy grinding adjustment with up to 50 divisions per revolution
  • Stainless-steel, 11 magnets catch-cup and beans funnel
  • 47mm professional grade conical burrs for fast grinding, Black-Fusion treated
  • Ball-bearing movement throughout
  • All plastic parts made of Food-Safe ABS
Sales rank In Hand Coffee Grinders

The Kinu M47 Classic coffee grinder is equipped with Black Fusion treated and hardened conical burrs of 47 mm, and a shaft with 4 ball bearings. It is a high-quality and sturdy coffee grinder, allowing you to achieve very uniform grinding results for all preparation methods with little effort.

The Kinu M47 Classic coffee grinder has a stepless adjustment with a fine thread (M10 x 0.5) and 50 subdivisions. For each division, you adjust the grinding distance by 0.01 mm.

YouTube Video
  • Brand Kinu
  • Product number 4323
  • EAN 4262423080014
  • Micrometrical stepless grind adjustment
  • Auto-centering full metal mechanical construction
  • 47 mm conical burrs for fast grinding
  • Click feeling system
  • Ball-bearing movement throughout (x4)
  • Easy cleaning, no tools needed
  • Thumb-stopper for easy handling
  • Stainless steel beans funnel
  • Stainless steel, 11 magnets catch cup
  • Travel case included
  • Weight: 1170 g
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Customer reviews

The King Grinder for Espresso

Absolute Hi-End product with perfect built, smooth and precise, highly priced but with excellent value. I have plenty of grinders in my collection and I think the KINU is my best choice especially for espresso.
Highly recommended.

Kinu M47 Classic Coffee Grinder

Excellent finishing for the product, very attractive design. Works perfectly for adjusting the size of the coffee grinds, and is very easy and effective in grinding coffee beans.

Kinu M47 Classic Coffee Grinder


Best of best

Best of best

Kinu M47 classic - for life

I did the research online and Kinu stood out as the winner - but also most expensive. Still, I did buy it since it appeared to me that it would easily last me the rest of my life (and I am not that old!). I've had other grinders but after 2-3 years they typically die. Doing the math it is then clear that Kinu actually is not expensive - plus it is much better for the environment to buy quality that lasts. I am not a coffee expert, but those who are tell me that the grind quality is outstanding - however, what I can say, is that my coffee tastes great and that the grinder is a joy to use. It is quite heavy so my wife prefers me to use do the grinding :-)

Great gift and excellent quality

I got this for my husband for Christmas. He originally had wished for something less expensive, but I opted for this. I am so glad I did. He has had a childish joy/ spark to his eyes and loves his new grinder.

Never thought I'd like a grinder this much!

The Kinu M47 is a joy to use. Incredibly well made and precise. Excels at dialling in the perfect esspresso grind for whatever bean/machine combination that comes your way... I can't recommend it enough!


Excelent grinder Built to last life time. I use it for espresso and espresso drinks. All come with very good taste. Only drawback, you have to work for it if you prepare many shots.
Express delivery was suprisingly good. 34 hours since I put my order with crema until it landed on my stepdoor in Tel Aviv.

Bejamin SWliom
The best hand grinder, hands down :-)

This is the best hand grinder I have ever used, and I've gone through a few.
Don't be put off by the price tag. You absolutely get what you paid for.

Kinu M47 Classic Coffee Grinder

Beautiful and Excellent manual grinder

Impressive coffee grinder

Great product. Beautifully engineered.

Highly functional art

Simply the most beautiful coffee grinder I've ever used. Fine tuning adjustments is as simple as micro turning the dial. Heavy, but does not get stuck when grinding through harder beans. Also comes with a nicely designed case. $$$ and happy with purchase!!

Great product

This is my first hand grinder, and I think it might also be the my last. This grinder is very well built and very solid. With proper care, it will last a lifetime.
It's super easy to use. For someone who never used a hand grinder before, it takes me about half an hour or so to learn the settings and make my first cup of real coffee.
I'm sure it takes more time to really understand the potential of this grinder and I'm exciting to find out.

Worth every penny

Very smooth and precise grinding of your coffee beans. Easy to adjust grind settings for coarse to espresso results. You hold a quality machined coffee grinder in your hands and as well on display. The resale value is up to par. You don’t need to buy any further than this Kinu Classic.

Darren Asuncion
Great, but slippery

This is a great grinder. Everything you've read is true and it's a nice addition to my morning coffee ritual. The only problem I have is that the metal is very slippery which makes me need to grip it especially hard. I have remedied the situation by winding a few rubber bands across the top where I hold it. That being said, you could save a little by getting their mid tier version which has the same burs, but has a nice rubber grip at the top. The all metal looks better, but I think the mid tier grinder is probably more sensible. Overall, I'm still quite happy with my purchase.

Kinu M47 Classic Coffee Grinder

Order kinu m47 classic , take 8 day to deliver to me . In California. Prefect goods and good

George cheng
Worth every penny

As a habitual coffee user the Kinu grinder is an excellent upgrade to my kit. Went from a cheap but dependable Hario Skerton so the difference is massive.

The Kinu provides a visibly better grind profile and is insanely fast, 30-40 seconds to get through 18 grams compared to the minutes it used to take in the Hario has dramatically reduced my time from weighing my dose to starting brewing. The build quality is fantastic. Had some problems with static but that has resolved itself within a week of usage. Simple to adjust for a French press (I've been using between 4.5 and 5.5) or Moka pot (the recommended initial setting of 1.5 works great) Haven't cleaned it yet but that looks easy enough to do.

Very happy with the upgrade, would recommend.

Kinu and Crema do not disappoint!

Our first order with Crema went very smoothly and our Kinu grinder arrived very quickly considering it was shipped from Finland to Alaska. Thank you, Crema, for being a well run store. We are enjoying our Kinu grinder every day.

Great grinder and reliable service

First thing's first: the Kinu grinder is a game-changer. Night and day as far as quality of coffee (mainly espresso so far) and ease of use. As for Crema as a company, I first ordered some keychains to make sure they were legitimate as I hadn't heard of them before. Both the keychains and my grinder were delivered well within the promised timeframe and are both of excellent quality.

I highly recommend this grinder, and certainly Crema as a business especially because I could find the Kinu Classic nowhere else. They came through, and I'm a satisfied customer!


Awesome grinder, I use it for travel and pair it with a flair espresso machine. Quick delivery to New Zealand.


After a lot of research, and watching many YouTube videos of coffee grinders in action, (I used to watch James Bond films, I now watch coffee grinder reviews) I chose the M47 Classic Coffee Grinder.

I could not be happier with the grinder, from the first turn of the handle you can feel the quality of design, engineering and build.

The results are excellent, and wile I have not sieved the ground coffee to measure size, a visual comparison shows a very consistent grind at espresso, mocha pot and V60.

100% recommended. (The seller and the grinder)


A pleasure to use.

Best manual grinder

Absolutely love this grinder. Used a Hario Skerton for 2 years and upgraded to this one, pricey but definitely worth it.

Todella laadukas mylly

Erittäin vahvaa saksalaista laatua! Painaa tonnin, mutta hoitaa hommansa hyvin! Kuljetuslaukku tulee mukana ja sekin on todella hyvä.

Oli jo joulureissussa mukana jauhamassa mokkapannulle ja aeropressille, ja hyvin palvelee esim mökkiolosuhteissa. Kotona varmaan käytän tätä kofeiinittoman espressokahvin jauhantaan jatkossa.

Ei tätä kyllä rinkassa viitsi kuljetella, että sellaiseen retkeilyyn kannattaa hommata joku muu.

Onnistuin myös kerran ylilataamaan myllyn, jolloin se puski tuon alaosan lokeron irti. Aika hyvä sotku tuli. Mut käyttäjän viaksi menee omasta mielestä, ei se helposti onnistu, se magneetti tuntuu muuten kyllä riittävän vahvalta. Ja lisää sellaista saksalaisen laadun tuntua.

Puhdistaminen ehkä vähän haastavaa, kun tonne sisään ei oikein pääse helposti, mut kyllä tuon saa varmasti perusteellisestikin putsattua sitten kun tarve tulee.

Kallis, mutta erinomainen mylly

Erinomainen kahvimylly jossa tukeva rakenne ja tarkka säätömekanismi. Erittäin tasalaatuinen jauhatus ja kykenee jauhamaan kahvin todella hienojakoiseksi. Helppo puhdistaa purettavan rakenteensa vuoksi. Ei mitään valittamista itse tuotteessa, mutta hinta on hurja. Korkeasta hinnasta johtuen myös -1 tähti, koska en usko, että mylly olisi niin paljon parempi kuin esimerkiksi 100eur halvempi malli. Toivottavasti osoittautuu kestäväksi ja pitkäikäiseksi hankinnaksi.

Aika täydellinen

Laatu näkyy ja tuntuu joka yksityiskohdassa. Jos jotain moitittavaa pitäisi keksiä, niin yli kilon paino saa jauhamisen välillä tuntumaan kuntosaliharjoittelulta (ei kai sekään välttämättä huono asia ole).

Bäst helt enkelt.

En otroligt välbyggd kvarn som är smörigt mjuk när man vevar. Toppklass.

Mycket bra, men liten.

Det här är min första manuella kaffekvarn och jag använder främst för V60 även om det finns en annan kvarn dock väntar jag med det köpet förrän jag fått kläm på inställningarna.

Kvarnen är välbyggd och jag velade mellan denna och Timemore X, det som avgjorde var det jämna priset på M47, den höga byggkvaliteten, magnetiska uppsamlingskoppen samt enkel inställning via låsskriven på toppen.

Det som drar ner betyget är den något lilla volymen på uppsamlingskoppen samt att "0-0-0" inte är noll utan snarare "0-0-(-3)". Vissa hemsidor anger 40-50 gram men jag får som mest 30 gram i koppen innan bönorna trillar ur.

Denna kvarn kommer vara med mig länge och jag hoppas den kan gå i arv.

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