Gringo Nordic Peru Nueva Florida Organic 250 g Coffee Beans

10,90 € with VAT
43,60 € / kg
Stock status:
0 pcs
Estimated availability:
1-2 weeks
  • Soft mouth feel, dried fruit, sweet citrus
  • Country: Peru
  • Region: Junin
  • Province: Satipo
  • District: Rio Negro
  • Farm: Nueva Florida - Family Farm
  • Producers: Several
  • Variety: Typica, Caturra, Bourbon, Pache
  • Altitude: 1750-1800 meters
  • Harvest: July - September
  • Drying: On raised drying beds under UV-protection
  • Lot size 2019: 2600 kilos
  • Organically certified

Single Origin

Twenty-five years ago, the Ccoillar family changed from growing potatoes to coffee cultivation, they had gotten tired of drought, bad harvests and bank loans that could never be repaid. Florentino Ccoillar's eldest son decided to leave his childhood home in the Andes and eventually found a piece of highland jungle for sale in the Rio Negro district. He planted his first coffee trees and called the emerging farm Nueva Florida. Gradually, the rest of the family moved along with him.

Now -15 years later - the family grows coffee together, and with joint effort they have managed to produce a really fine organic coffee.

Processing: Depending on weather and temperature, but primarily the coffee is fermented for 18-22 hours in open cement tanks. Afterwards the coffee is washed with clean water.

  • Drip coffee
  • Whole coffee beans
  • 250 g
  • 100 % Arabica
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Gringo Nordic Peru Nueva Florida Organic 250 g Coffee Beans

Gringo gör bra grejer 💯

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